Adding to Our Family

With the arrival of Brie's birthday also came the arrival of our newest family member. Meet Pepper:

About 6 months ago, Brianna decided that she wanted to get a rabbit. She has been working the past year as a Junior Zoo Keeper and has really enjoyed the rabbits she gets to work with. Brianna came to us with a proposal that if she did not have a birthday party, we would not buy her any presents except a cage, and she saved all her money, she would buy the rabbit and all its food, fluff, toys, & equipment. We thought that she was very dedicated to this, so we said okay. For the last six months, we have heard nothing but, "Rabbit this... Bunny that...." And... as her birthday grew closer, we knew that she was going to achieve her goal. We bought her a cage, and with that came our cute baby silver fox bunny. He is around 6 weeks old and and loves to snuggle and be held. Brianna's idea of a female mini lop or Holland lop quickly changed when she saw this little guy.  It was instant love, a precious thing to see.

Now we just have to get Chip to not puff up like a huge hairball when he sees Pepper.