Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve has got to be one of my most favorite family days of the year. We have so many fun traditions and have made so many wonderful memories on this day over the years, I look so forward to its arrival!
Sam gets up really early Christmas Eve morning to make cinnamon rolls for everyone. This year the first batch got a little burned, thanks to our very inconsistent oven, but...we managed to save the second batch, and they were GREAT!

Thanks Dad!

We finished our last minute shopping and delivered our "Friend Gifts."
Then, we decorated our Gingerbread House. Each kid took a side of it, and because Brie & Nate had the small sides of the house, they decorated a roof side also.

The end result...

After our house was complete, we made our birthday cake for Baby Jesus. We just started this tradition last year, but the kids love it! They love being able to choose their own type of cake and to make it all on their own. It is a special sight to see them working together so well and how important a job they feel it is.

This year, even Alex was let in on the fun!
All evidence had to be destroyed!

Brianna caught in the act!

When the cake was baked and cooled, we packed up the kids, their special Christmas jammies, and a few goodies to share, and headed out the door to Grandma and Grandpa's house.