July 4th

The Fourth of July was a blast for our family this year. Even as the kids get older, we realize that there is something new to amaze them each year. To start off our weekend, our ward held its annual Fourth of July breakfast but added a "bike parade" to the fun. The kids were encouraged to decorate their bikes, scooters, or wagons in a patriotic theme. We did not have much time to do so, but our kids enjoyed just riding in the parade with all the other kids.

That afternoon we went to a dinner party at the Williams' house, which was incredible! We all had so much fun! We ate lots of fattening American food and then shot off things we weren't suppose to shoot off in their front yard. The kids also were able to light some sparklers. When the party ended, we took the kids to a quick firework show at the highschool with Sam's parents. The show was not great at all, but he time to spend together as a family is what made it worth every minute! With Sunday being the actual 4th, we did not go anywhere but to church. That night, being so exhausted from the day before, we chose to stay home and watch the fireworks across the area from our upstairs windows. It is kind of nice being on a "hill" so that we can see so many shows.