After our whole house came down with the sick bug, we were running out of time to do our Christmas activities. No matter what, though, we did not want to miss Bethlehem Revisited in Waxahachie. Our family loves going! It helps all of us to remember the true meaning of Christmas amidst all the holiday hustle and bustle. We missed the first week, but crammed it in on a crazy Saturday night.
I have to say, it might not have been worth it this year. It was very crowded! People were very pushy and rude. I even had one guy ram into my back. When I turned around to see who had shoved me, he quickly apologized, realizing I was holding my infant son inside my coat, to try and keep him warm, but also to be able to see the sites on his very first Christmas. He said, "I didn't realize you had a baby." Well, does it matter!?! Shoving someone in the back is just plain rude, whether they have a baby or not! One guy (meaning past his 40's) cut in front of Natalie, who was waiting in line at the unleavened bread house for about 15mins at this point, and practically stepped on top of her doing so. We were so mad that we left after that! People were definitely not behaving Christ-like, and it was very hard to feel the Spirit of Christmas in that environment. We will be trying a new nativity next year, and if we do go back to Waxahachie, it will be on a Sunday night, in hopes that less people will be there.
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