Natalie Loses Her First Tooth

We thought for sure that we were in for big dentist bills as a few weeks ago we noticed that Natalie had sprouted a permanent tooth behind her lower baby teeth. Her lower two front bottom teeth had been the tiniest bit loose for a while, but never loosened anymore, no matter how hard you wiggled them. After the permanent tooth came out, we realized why. Then, they were no longer loose at all. I was going to call the dentist next week for the dreaded appointment of telling us how many teeth they were going to have to extract. However, Natalie came running into my room last night crying, saying that her mouth really hurt. As soon as I looked in there, I could tell one tooth was very loose. I wiggled it a little bit and could tell it was coming out very soon. After some coaxing and reassuring, it finally loosened enough and came out. Natalie was so excited. Now we have noticed that 3 other bottom teeth are going to be falling out soon too! Hooray! Now the thoughts of massive dentist and orthodontist bills can be pushed aside. (At least for a little while.) :)


The Shumards said...

Awesome! You know Lydia's teeth did the same thing. When I was at church one day I asked Cindy if I needed to get her baby teeth out pronto and she said it was very common. It is unnerving to see layers of teeth in their mouth.