Does he have the right?

So I had this situation come up at the pool on Tuesday. We were swimming with some friends and there was a man smoking out by the kiddie pool. After a few moments I hear, "That's gross. That man is smoking cigarettes and it's gross. That really stinks!..." I not so quickly realized it was William. I immediately tried to get him to stop because he was not being very quiet at all. First I told him it was not nice to talk about others. "It really stinks, mom. Cigarettes are bad for you," was his reply. I told him he was being rude. "He is smoking and I don't want to smell it anymore!" he tells me. I finally told him I was going to wash his mouth out with soap if he did not stop. So he did. After we went home and I had a spare moment to think about it, I realized, maybe I should not have stopped him from voicing his opinion about something that bothered him so badly. Not to mention something that could potentially harm him. This is my son who has gone through 2 years of being connected to a nebulizer for breathing issues. His lungs are just now beginning to function somewhat normally. Does he have the right to be so vocal at four? In my opinion, I am going to apologize to my son because I feel in this situation he does. He does have the right! I am so sorry William!